15 Dec. 2011, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar D.J. Kinney, "The AEC’s Propaganda Primer: Revisiting Cold War Atomic Testing in the Arctic."
9 Dec. 2011, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Zuoyue Wang, "Transnational Science and the Cold War: China, US, and Europe."
14 Feb. 2011, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Alexei Kojevnikov, "Space-Time and the Russian Revolution: Alexander Friedman and his Contemporaries."
6 Dec. 2010, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Ronald E. Doel, "Challenging Cornucopian Dreams: M. King Hubbert’s advocacy of peak oil and natural limits."
27 Oct. 2010, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Gregory A. Good, "Inaccessible Earth: Geomagnetism, In Situ Measurements, Remote Sensing, and Proxy Data."
26 May 2010, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Arthur I. Miller, "The Strange Friendship of Pauli and Jung When Physics Met Psychology."
8 Apr. 2010, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Graham Farmelo, "Paul Dirac and the religion of mathematical beauty."
4 Mar. 2010, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Christopher Prom, "Preserving the 'Papers' of 21st Century Science."
11 Feb. 2010, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Christian Gram, "Early History of Computers in Denmark – a personal view."
9 Dec. 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Rajesh Kochhar, "Colonial use of science and the native responses."
9 Nov. 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Kristine C. Harper, "Weather by Design: State Control of the Atmosphere in 20th Century America."
2 Nov. 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Peter Robertson, "Pioneering a New Astronomy: The Life of John Bolton (1922-1993)."
19 Oct. 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Christoph Lehner, "The Resolution of the Particle-Wave Dualism: Pascual Jordan and the Quantum Field Theory Program."
11 Sept. 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Gino Segrè, "The front row: Physics in Transition and the 1932 Meeting at Niels Bohr's Institute for Theoretical Physics."
18 June 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Christian Joas, "Interacting Fields – Quantum Field Theory and the Conceptual Borderlands between Solid-State and Particle Physics."
3 Apr. 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Loren Graham and Jean-Michel Kantor, "Naming God, naming Infinity: A True Story of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity."
6 Mar. 2009, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Anja Skaar Jacobsen, "Niels Bohr's 'Paper Tiger': Léon Rosenfeld in physics, ideology, and history."
6 June 2008, 9:45 Launch of new edition of the Niels Bohr Collected Works Conference celebrating the publication of a new paper and e-book edition of the Niels Bohr Collected Works,