8 Nov. 2012, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Henry Nielsen, "Too Hot to Handle: The Controversial Hunt for Uranium in Greenland in the Early Cold War."
2 July 2012, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Henrik Zinkernagel, "Are we living in a quantum world? Niels Bohr and the classical-quantum divide."
18 Apr. 2012, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Olival Freire Jr, "Continuity and Change: Charting David Bohm’s Evolving Ideas on Quantum Mechanics."
27 Jan. 2012, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Roland Wittje, "Niels Bohr and nuclear physics in Norway, 1920s to 1950s."
18 Jan. 2012, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Matthias Heymann, "Constructing evidence and trust: How did climate scientists' confidence in their models and simulations emerge?"