CANCELED – NBA History of Science Seminar: Don Howard
Please note that the following seminar has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Don Howard (Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame), “The Copenhagen Interpretation”

The term “Copenhagen interpretation” has become entrenched in the later twentieth century physics and philosophy of physics literature to denote a cluster of ideas associated, rightly or wrongly, with leading thinkers centered around Niels Bohr and Bohr’s Institute in Copenhagen. In my talk, I will show that there is no unitary Copenhagen interpretation and disentangle the various ideas that too often are conflated under this one, misleading name.
Don Howard is the former director and a Fellow of the University of Notre Dame’s Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values, where he functions as co-director of the center’s ethics of emerging technologies focus area. He holds a permanent appointment as a Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame.
This talk is jointly organized by the Research Group on History and Philosophy of Science at the Department of Science Education and the Niels Bohr Archive.