7 Apr. 2008, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Dan Charly Christensen, "Nature’s Mind-Reader: Hans Christian Ørsted’s Discovery and his Position in European Science and in Danish Society."
11 Feb. 2008, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Michael J. Neufeld, Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War."
3 Dec. 2007, 13:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Matthias Heymann, "Modelling reality: How scientists simulated pollutant transport in Europe and invented a new science."
13 Sept. 2007, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Yury V. Gaponov, "I.V. Kurchatov (1903–1960) as Scientist and Inventor."
6 Sept. 2007, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Naomi Oreskes,""The Controlled Experiment That Wasn't: Acoustic Tomography of Ocean Climate."
31 May 2007, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Graham Farmelo, "Niels Bohr and Paul Dirac: Father and son in science."
1 Mar. 2007, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar John Heilbron, "History, astronomy, and international politics in late baroque Rome: The several lives of Monsignore Francesco Bianchini (1662-1729)."
23 Oct. 2006, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Mark Walker, "The Peter Debye Affair: Taking Scientific Honors Away for Non-Scientific Reasons."
2 Oct. 2006, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Peter Harper, "Contemporary Scientific Archives: Investing in the Future of the History of Science."
26 Sept. 2006, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Ronald E. Doel, "Science in U.S. Foreign Policy: A post-Cold War Perspective."
29 May 2006, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Paul Josephson, "The Peaceful Atom in Eastern Europe."
27 Apr. 2006, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Bruce Hevly, Arctic Empires: "Terrestrial Physics and the Frontiers of Science."
7 Mar. 2006, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Chris Chilvers, "1931, the year of living dangerously: The Russian Delegation and the Second International Congress of the History of Science."
24 Nov. 2005, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Matthias Dörries, "Nature experiments: Volcanic eruptions and climate change."
27 Sept. 2005, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Alexei Kojevnikov, "Philosophy in Quantum Mechanics: High Principles, Rhetorical Strategies, and Academic Ritual."
9 June 2005, 10:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Silvan S. Schweber, "Genius and Community: Einstein and Oppenheimer."