27 Nov. 2001, 19:45 Collections and tasks at NBA Finn Aaserud, "Samlinger og opgaver på Niels Bohr Arkivet." Visit at NBA of Selskabet for de Eksakte Videnskabers Historie (Society for the the History of the Exact Sciences).
28 Sept. 2001, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Yury Gaponov, "The development of the neutrino concept in twentieth century particle physics."
22 Sept. - 23 Sept. 2001 Copenhagen and beyond, 2 Copenhagen and beyond, 2: Drama meets history of science."
12 Mar. 2001, 11:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Dieter Hoffmann, "Max Planck's Introduction of the Quantum: Institutional and Experimental Context."
25 Oct. 2000, 10:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Rajinder Singh, "Sir C.V. Raman and the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930."
11 Aug. 2000, 10:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Joan Warnow-Blewett, "Documenting modern science: when should scientists' unpublished records be saved?"
6 June 2000, 11:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Robert H. Kargon, "The Laboratory and the Studio: Places of Learning in Gilded-Age America."
22 May 2000, 14:15 NBA History of Science Seminar Nancy J. Nersessian, "Maxwell and "the Method of Physical Analogy": Model-based reasoning, generic abstraction, and conceptual change."
26 Apr. 2000, 14:30 NBA History of Science Seminar Sven Widmalm, "The foreign policy of Swedish science 1917-1926."
19 Nov. 1999, 15:15 Copenhagen and beyond, 1 Copenhagen and Beyond 1: The Interconnections between Drama, Science, and History.